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Safe haven sponsor form

Your details

Are you aged 18 or over

Membership details

Are you taking out Safe Haven membership

Membership plaque

Every Safe Haven sponsor receives a personalised plaque which is displayed at the RSPCA Lancashire East Branch Animal Centre. Please complete the section below with a short message that you would like to appear on the plaque. Many sponsors dedicate their plaque to a loved one or a sadly missed pet.

Sponsorship details

Safe Haven sponsorship starts from just £3/month (£36/year) but we gladly accept whatever you are able to donate. Please indicate below how much you would like to contribute each month, then please complete the Standing Order section below. Thank you.

Contribution amount

Standing order

Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Standing Order. Please complete your bank details below:

Gift aid

If you’re a UK taxpayer, please allow the RSPCA Lancashire East Branch to boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate at no extra cost.

To Gift Aid your donations you must tick the box below.

Gift Aid cannot be claimed on legacies, collections or company donations. Please let us know if your tax circumstances or name and address details change so we can amend our records.

Stay in touch

Your support will help the RSPCA Lancashire East Branch (Registered Charity No: 232253) continue to provide a Safe Haven for animals that have been abused, neglected or abandoned and rescued by national RSPCA inspectors.

As a Safe Haven member you will receive a regular newsletter containing stories and updates from the animal centre together with invitations to Branch events.

Please confirm how we can keep in touch about the Branch and the Safe Haven scheme.

By ticking any of the above boxes you confirm you are aged 18 years or over.

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